
Transmission. Inspiration. Invitation.

Taking your sadness all the way

Let it be dear. Everything that was not there, that is no longer there,....

Dear men, if you can't be with our pain....

If you can't be with our pain, you can't be with our pleasure. If you...

How to set healthy boundaries for more pleasure in life

A guide to voicing your needs and increasing your ability to feel

Healthy boundaries protect your mental, emotional and spiritual space. They draw a line between your...

The cure for negative body image

Often all the ideas about how you should look are a defense mechanism (protection)....

Welcome the resistance to feel

We have ourselves to rewire. To make a new imprint in our body. So that...

I called him home part III

We have to do it together. There is a gate, through which only we together...

I called him home part II

With doubt in his eyes. Can I really? And as his whole body begins to...

I called him home part I

Injured, he comes home. For lifetimes he has been absent. He has started wars. Wars...