Live events
A loving and powerful bed
Feel supported in group of like-minded women, where you are encouraged to be completely yourself.
Live events
A loving and powerful bed
Feel supported in group of like-minded women, where you are encouraged to be completely yourself.
Coming home to your body
Make your body your safe home. The place where you can rest and enjoy your sensuality. A transformative live day to come deeply home to your body and sensuality.
10:00 - 16:00
Max. 14 participants
Inner beauty
Discover what it is like to come home to your body and express yourself exactly as you are. Break free from old conditioning about who you should see and celebrate your true beauty. Feel supported and encouraged in a circle with women. This is a unique live day in collaboration with photographer Elke Smit.
9:30 - 17:00
Max. 8 women
Four-week Sensual Yoga course
Make your body your home. A place where you can rest and where it is wonderful and safe to be. During this four week course you will embody your feminine energy and power, anchor deep in your pelvis and practice allowing your life energy to flow through you for more joy, pleasure and authenticity in your life.
Di 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Live via Zoom
Starts Sept. 24
Feeling safe and at home
The prerequisite for feeling and allowing your sensuality and life energy to flow is to feel safe. What can you do to make your body a place where you can rest, where it is safe to be and where you can relax deeply? So that from your safe base you can connect with the world around you.
10:00 - 16:00
Max. 18 women