How to set healthy boundaries for more pleasure in life

A guide to voicing your needs and increasing your ability to feel

Healthy boundaries protect your mental, emotional, and spiritual space. They draw a linebetween your life and the lives of others so that you remain in your power. Boundaries alsogive people a chance to get to know you authentically – with your unique quirks, needs,desires, and views about life.

Healthy, flexible boundaries establish a sense of individuality, so that you fosterrelationships built on mutual respect and trust. Therefore, learning how to set boundariesleads to more pleasure in life—the pleasure of being fully present with what you want, thepleasure of having your needs met, and the pleasure of building relationships that arefulfilling and enriching.

Interpersonal boundaries prevent you from being drained, taken for granted, or takenadvantage of. While it might not always be easy to clearly communicate your boundaries,they prevent you from being burned out and depleted in the long run.

Second, you create the possibility that your needs will be met. And build relationships that are fulfilling and enriching.

Interpersonal boundaries prevent you from being drained, taken for granted, or takenadvantage of. While it might not always be easy to clearly communicate your boundaries,they prevent you from being burned out and depleted in the long run.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries to Feel More

If you struggle with setting clear boundaries, it’s often because of not being present in yourpelvis, where your authentic truth resides. Which can lead to an inability to feel what's rightfor you at the moment.

Therefore, setting healthy boundaries begins internally with a clear value system. Yourinternal boundaries then extend externally through embodied actions and words. If you are unable to express what you feel, it might be the result of an internal or externalboundary crossing, which also leads to confusion and a lack of clarity.

Feminine Embodiment for Setting Boundaries

Physical practices, such as Sensual Yoga, which establishes a healthy connection to theemotional body and the pelvis, make it easier to gain clarity on your emotions and setbetter boundaries.The vagina alone has over 8000 nerve endings, double the number a man has. It's therefore a very sensitive organ that acts like a radar for the outside world. If you haveneglected your femininity in a while and have not yet established a connection to yourpelvic area, now is the time to tune in and take notice.

"What am I feeling? What do I need? What's good for me right now?“

If you are used to being more in your head than in your body, it's beneficial to takemoments of self-care where you specifically tune into your feelings. This, in turn, allows you to give more space to everything that's pleasurable in your life while giving less time,energy, and attention to everything that creates stress.

What are Internal and External Boundaries?

Internal boundaries define the boundaries you set for yourself by reducing distractions that are unhealthy for you. This can include anything from stopping negative self-talk, binge-eating, or staying too lazy, while you know you need physical exercise to feel good in your body.

External Boundaries define the boundaries you set for others who have already crossed a line. This can include not allowing people to walk all over you anymore, not responding to the demands of others and abandoning yourself in the process, or speaking up more often than before when you used to stay silent.

Both types of boundaries often overlap. While internal boundaries leave the choice in yourhands as to what to do to keep your personal space intact, external boundaries are oftenenforced when somebody has already crossed a boundary, and you now remind them tobehave differently.

Internal Boundaries Examples

  • Go to bed earlier to wake up refreshed and have time in the morning for a morning practice.
  • Saying No to requests from your family, friends, or partner that collide with your need tospend time alone and take care of your well-being, for example, through Sensual Yoga.
  • Stop eating unhealthy food every day, as it gives you a quick dopamine hit, but makes you feel heavy and lethargic afterward, making you feel unwell in your body.

External Boundaries Examples

  • Myy family never accepted my emotions, so I had to hide them. Now I need people in mylife that I can safely express what I feel without being judged. I will voice this to my friends,and in case they don't respect my need, I will engage less in those relationships.
  • My partner often leaves the room when I get emotional, but I need him to be with me tovalidate my experience and to comfort me. I will express my need for him to hold space forme and come to a conclusion with him.
  • My boss expects me to work overtime to finish projects but does not pay me for that.From now on, I will let him know that my free time is reserved for private activities and thatwe need to employ more people, if my colleague and I cannot finish the projects in thepaid working hours.

Benefits of Setting Healthy Boundaries

The benefits of setting healthy boundaries are many. From feeling more alive to increased self-esteem and a clear sense of who you are and what you want - setting boundaries makes your life more fulfilled.

But – it all starts with feeling. Feeling in your body what your boundaries are. Feeling inyour body, what has left you confused so far, what made you angry, and what made yousad. And accessing from there, how can I translate that into boundaries?

From there, consider: how can I translate this into clear boundaries?

Sensual Yoga is a wonderful practice to support you in feeling all of your emotions, to establish a strong connection to your body, and to embody the most powerful, feminine, and connected version of yourself.

Benefits of setting boundaries in your intimate relationships

  • clarity on what type of relationship and partner is the right one for you
  • deeper emotional connection by authentically communicating
  • more respect from your partner for expressing your needs

Benefits of setting boundaries at work

  • separating work from free time
  • leaving stress and to-do lists in the workplace
  • leaving the work and responsibilities of others with them

Benefits of setting boundaries in friendships

  • clarity on what type of friendships are the right ones for you
  • deeper bonding by understanding each other's needs
  • keeping your vibe high by staying connected to your heart and power, no matter howother people behave

Benefits of Sensual Yoga to Set Healthy Boundaries

As women, we carry a collective wound in our belly and pelvis. We have been killed forstanding in our power and being connected to our inner knowing. For generations we havebeen taught, even in school, to give up our needs and boundaries to please our husbands.Looking at our past, it‘s not so weird if you are not connected to your boundaries. 65% ofwomen have a hard time saying No, while only 45% of men consider it difficult to setboundaries.

65% of women find it difficult to say no, while 45% of men have difficulty setting boundaries.

Tuning out of outside demands and tuning into the body, especially to the pelvis, is apathway that leads to being more grounded, more sensitive towards your own needs, andmore clear towards others.

The practice of Sensual Yoga helps you to feel your authentic yes’es and no’s in your bodyand frees the power to take up space exactly as you are, claim what you need and saywhat you want and don’t want.Once a healthy and consistent connection with their own body is established, women tendto feel more empowered, find their words faster, and understand their feelings better.

More connected to your needs and boundaries?

Begin immediately with the free embodied self-love course and deepen your connection with your body and boundaries.

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Free Course: Embodied self-love

This mini-course helps you to be gentle and loving with yourself and your body. How would it be if your body was a place of rest and at the same time a source of pleasure and vibrant life energy. It really can be!

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