Let it be dear. Everything that was not there, what is no longer there, what you would have liked to do differently and could not. Let it flow, those tears, the anger, the helplessness.
The deep deep grief. Of all the times you could not meet yourself and the other and could not be met. Of all the miscommunication, all the struggles, all the games, the perpetrator-victim savior dynamic. Where no one is to blame, the perpetrators are victims just as much as the victims are perpetrators. Welcome your tears and let them melt away all the protection.
It no longer needs to be. This game no longer needs to be played.
It is time for something new. Sovereignty. Autonomy. True encounter of self and with it the other.
Allowing the love that you are and that will bring everything that is not love into the light. Embrace it. There is no need to be afraid, because you are not. Receive the tears. Over and over again. Let them wash you clean, let everything flow from you, until you stand completely naked. In this moment. The past which no longer defines the future, but embraced in love.
We can now choose love
Forgiven. It is over. We can now choose love. Choose to live. Choose to be truly whole on earth. To let our souls descend. And embrace our creative power. It's time. You are ready. Ready to create according to your deepest values. Ready to embrace your super powers...? You had to wait a while for it, but you are ready. Allow it. The effortlessness, the abundance. The new world is fully available in energy. It is up to you as a channel to land it here on earth. It is what you are here for. You will experience fulfillment in every step you take from your deepest self. That is your signpost.
Do you dare to trust in the light that you are?
Only you can feel what is truly right for you. This is beyond anything you have ever been taught and is complete trust in your truth. No anchor outside of you, no one can confirm you in this. You have to take the step yourself. Do you dare to trust in the light that you are?
You are so beautiful. So insanely beautiful.
And your unique frequency is so needed here on earth. Your unique light that shines. Exactly who you are.
You are a piece of the puzzle. You have something to bring that no one else can. And only you can give you that place. Choose. If you truly choose you will begin to receive. In your place you can shine, you can be. Exactly there is always everything you need.
It takes that one step, over and over again... Dropping you. Let go. You are carried. You are safe and loved.
Do you long to welcome your grief, your power and embody your unique light? Check here for an overview of upcoming Sensual Yoga courses or to receive a guided practice directly in your mailbox.
Free Course: Embodied self-love
This mini-course helps you to be gentle and loving with yourself and your body. How would it be if your body was a place of rest and at the same time a source of pleasure and vibrant life energy. It really can be!
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