Resistance to feel. We all know it. And crazy it is not. So many of us were once taught that there is something wrong with our feelings. We've been rejected on it. Maybe even punished by our parents.
We have drawn the conclusion somewhere that something is wrong with us. Or that we are too much. We have learned to ignore our feelings. To get over them and move on. To live safely in our heads. Or we had to survive. There was really no space or opportunity to dwell on the experience. Perhaps our nervous system was not even mature enough to process the experience at all.
Not surprisingly, when feelings present themselves, we don't want to go there. It doesn't feel safe. Even though we know with our mature minds that we can handle it. Alarm bells go off. Protective mechanisms kick in. Distraction. Addiction. Always busy. Being especially busy with others. Either pleasing others or judging them. You may be busy being busy. Or maybe you are especially caught up in self-rejection.
Maybe by now you don't feel so much. Not crazy either. But chances are pretty good that it's gnawing somewhere. It takes mountains of energy to hold back feelings. It creates tension in your body and sooner or later the body wants to discharge itself. The more repressed, the more violently it comes out.
We have ourselves to rewire. To make a new imprint in our bodies. So that feeling becomes safe again. And not just safe but incredibly enjoyable!
3 ways to feel more
We all know it. To a greater or lesser degree. I think it's part of our generation. Our children will already grow up very differently. To be there for our children and be able to give bedding to their feelings, we have work to do.
We have ourselves to rewire. To make a new imprint in our bodies. So that feeling becomes safe again. And not just safe but incredibly enjoyable!
Because if you cannot feel sadness, fear or anger, you cannot really feel pleasure, flow or enjoyment either. You cannot have one without the other. And for that we have to go through resistance.
What can you do if you experience resistance?
- Together is often easier than alone. Use the bed of an (online) group. In the Sensual Yoga classes, you will continually receive a loving invitation to meet yourself from curiosity and with an open mind. Having someone to encourage you along the way helps.
- Strengthen the bed within yourself. This allows feelings to flow more easily. Think of it as a river that needs a bank to be. The more familiar you become with receiving your feelings, the less resistance is needed.
- And super important: don't skip the resistance. But to start, where you are. Where are you experiencing the resistance? What are you experiencing there?
This is what the practice of Sensual Yoga is about. Building the bed, and letting the river flow. If you want your life energy to flow more, your feelings will flow more. Resistance is a good sign. This is where you can grow toward that which you desire.
Check here for a list of upcoming Sensual Yoga courses or to receive a guided practice directly in your mailbox.
Free Course: Embodied self-love
This mini-course helps you to be gentle and loving with yourself and your body. How would it be if your body was a place of rest and at the same time a source of pleasure and vibrant life energy. It really can be!
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