Wusstest du, dass viele Beschwerden bei Frauen die gleiche Ursache haben? Nämlich ...

Nicht im Schoßraum zu Hause zu sein.

Stress, Hektik, Burnout, nicht wissen, was man will, Müdigkeit, wenig Lebensenergie und geringe Libido. Sich selbst nicht mögen, Minderwertigkeitsgefühle, Vergleiche. All das hat die gleiche Ursache: Du bist mit deinem Becken nicht vertraut.

Dieser Kurs besteht aus einer Reihe von ausführlichen Übungen, die dir helfen, in deinem Becken anzukommen und deinen Schoßraum bewusst zu bewohnen und die Qualitäten zu verkörpern, die in deinem Becken liegen.

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Home to your pelvis

Why there is nothing wrong with you!

Our society is founded on masculine principles. Always more, faster, competitive and goal-oriented. This leads to stress and burnout symptoms especially among women. This is because our nature is different. If you suffer from this, it is not strange. In this video I explain why.

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Where an uninhabited basin leads

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When you as a woman are back home in your pelvis...

Sensual yoga course

Home to your pelvis

Making a real difference in embodying your feminine energy with 6 powerful exercises.

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What Home to your pelvis brings you...

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These women went before you

For years I have been trying to connect with my pelvic area. During the first class I immediately felt so much connection with my pelvis. Now I also feel very clearly the connection with my yoni and so much life energy flowing.

"Wow how deeply this works. I would really recommend it to all women. I really liked the space of attention and slowing down that you put. The exercises opened up a lot in my pelvis and life flow."

"I am impressed by the purity of the exercises and the depth that was touched naturally in all gentleness. What wonderful tools to carry and embody yourself in life. And that under Rose's inspired and felt guidance."


Special offer

€127 €37

Lifetime access - For all devices - Includes bonus - Refundable

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A unique opportunity for you

A look at the modules...

The six modules by which you embody your feminine essence

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Module 1 ??? min

Waking up the body!

In this exercise, we awaken the nerve pathways and activate the cells in the body. Your life energy starts to flow and you feel more vital. At the same time, this exercise allows you to discharge excess energy, tension and stress.

Module 2 ??? min

Landing in your pelvis

With this exercise we make space in the pelvis so you can sink into it. You sink from your head into your body, your breathing deepens, and you connect with the qualities that reside in your pelvis, such as trust and inner knowing.

Module 3 ??? min

The source of your life energy

A unique exercise where more life energy starts to flow from deep relaxation. You activate the source of life energy in your pelvis and start to feel more. This exercise has helped a lot of women surprisingly quickly to make the energy in the pelvis awake and flowing. Feel from within how beautiful you are.

Module 4 ??? min

Your (primal) strength

To feel safe it is necessary to have your power at your disposal. If your power can flow freely then you can be truly open and gentle. Many of us have learned to just not take up too much space and adapt to others. With this exercise you release the frozen energy. An exercise that contributes to grounding and a sense of solidity within yourself.

Module 5 ??? min

Your authentic yes's and no's

How would it be if you could feel and follow your authentic flow? If you felt your boundaries and needs clearly and had the power to respond to them. You deserve to create the life that really suits you and occupy the space that belongs to you. This exercise will help you do that

Module 6 ??? min

Pelvic meditation

Not sitting still and dryly observing. But sinking into your body and pelvis while moving. Giving that which lives in you space so that it can flow. Welcoming yourself and saying "yes" to what is palpable. Allowing in more life energy and practicing how to move this energy through your body. That is what we practice in this blissful meditation.

Home to your pelvis

Hi, my name is Rose.

After years of living from my head, burnout, negative body image and not being able to truly rest, I came home to the exercises of Sensual Yoga 10 years ago. Since 2016, I have guided hundreds of women on the way in.

My mission is to spread the powerful exercises of Sensual Yoga . So that women around the world have access to this unique form of yoga.

This is my contribution to a more loving world, where feminine principles are celebrated and lived and a new balance is found.

This is for you if you...

  • Find it exciting, but feel and know that things can be different (even if just a glimmer)
  • Desires more life energy and pleasure
  • Curious about what's going on inside your body
  • Want to listen to your body's signals
  • Tired of stress, tension and hurry
  • Want to connect with your inner compass
  • Want to create the life that really suits you
  • Your natural sensuality wants to live in every moment of the day
  • Wanting to say YES to yourself


€127 €37

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Get started today

Hundreds of women went before you and noticed a difference after just the first exercise. Do you long for more softness, connection, more life energy and joy? I grant this to every woman and give this program away with a huge discount.

Home to your pelvis

Why this is not yoga...

Whereas with most forms you put yourself in static poses or practice spirited flows, Sensual Yoga is not about form, but about feeling. Sensual Yoga is not about doing. There is no goal, there is nothing to achieve and you certainly don't have to be limber. It is a unique form of bodywork that connects you to your feminine power and softness. You connect with your softness, self-love, surrender and power.

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Welcome and embrace yourself

Now temporarily with free guided self-massage

By coming home to your pelvis, you connect to a sense of dignity and inner beauty. Regardless of what you look like and all ideas about yourself. Here you feel that you matter and that you are beautiful just the way you are.

Temporarily, you will also receive a self-love meditation with self-massage with the course Home to your pelvis that helps to connect with yourself and your body, receive yourself on deeper levels of feeling, softness and balancing your hormones.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I participate if I am tired a lot or have low energy?

Yes. To do this course you don't need any experience. You don't have to be agile or able to do anything. However, it is important that you have the openness and curiosity to meet yourself in the moment. But if you didn't have those, you probably wouldn't be reading this 😉

Sure. Chances are you will discover much new in this course. Sensual Yoga is an innovative form of bodywork, which has influences from various currents of process work and tantra. Many yoga teachers know their way to Sensual Yoga and discover a missing piece here that they weren't even actively looking for.

Sensual Yoga is a yoga form designed specifically for women, unlike many other yoga forms. We hardly work with traditional asanas, but with exercises tailored to what a woman's body needs so you can come home in it. The exercises are innovative and strengthen the female strength in your pelvis.

Yes. After payment you will receive an email and have immediate access to the clear course environment with all exercises.

Yes. If you do not notice any effect of the exercises after 7 days, send an email to roos@sensualyoga.nl and you will receive your money back immediately.


€127 €37

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Coming home to your body

1000+ women went before you and noticed a difference after just the first exercise. Do you long for more softness, connection, more life energy and joy? Access to your power and sensuality (which are certainly also within you). I grant this to every woman and give this program away with a huge discount.